Furnace Tune-Up

If it is outside the season and you are interested in scheduling a tune-up, email info@nmgcgetrebates.com to join a waiting list.
Just like your car needs regular maintenance, so does your furnace. A tune-up before winter can prevent expensive repairs, increase efficiency and extend lifespan of heating systems. That’s why New Mexico Gas Company offers a $85 rebate when you have a furnace tune-up completed by a participating contractor.
Your furnace works hard to keep you comfortable. Over time, it can get bogged down with dust and grime, and essential components can wear out. A tune-up by a trained participating contractor will help make sure that when you turn up the heat, your furnace is ready and operating at peak efficiency.
A furnace tune-up extends the life of a furnace and helps prevent expensive breakdowns. It can also help reduce your monthly energy bill, resulting in an average annual savings of $35.
A well-maintained furnace produces and distributes warm air more evenly throughout your home, keeping you comfortable on chilly mornings.
A tune-up helps keep dust mites, pollen, mold and other substances you don’t want to breathe out of the air in your home.
A furnace that is well maintained uses less energy, which is good for the planet.
A furnace tune-up is a simple way to help make sure your heating-system is ready for winter. A participating contractor will come to your home and perform a thorough inspection, along with a number of tests and procedures to make sure your furnace is in optimal working condition. They will:
1.Make a list of any questions you have about your heating system. Have you noticed a change in how it operates? Does it keep you comfortable throughout your home?
2. Ensure the areas around your furnace are cleared out and easily accessible for your participating contractor.
If you would like to participate but the contractors listed above do not serve your county, please email our staff at info@nmgcgetrebates.com.
Call us at 877-501-7835, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Furnace tune-up must be completed between September 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Customer is limited to one NMGC tune-up rebate every three years.
If so, you may qualify for an instant rebate of $110 when you work with a participating contractor to have a furnace tune-up. Qualifying programs include:
Let your contractor know so that you can get the increased incentive.